Finding Fashion Inspiration

 Who else remembers cutting out photos from your mom's stack of old magazines and putting them all on a poster? Only to then lose the poster after a few days and have to do it all over a week later. Luckily those days are mostly behind us, which means we have to look elsewhere for fashion inspiration. But in this day and age there are loads of places to look for ideas on outfits, trends, and styles. We've put together a handful of our go-to places to look for fashion inspiration so you have a place to start when picking out new styles!


Instagram has become the most popular form for finding fashion inspiration online. Bloggers, celebs, and companies all come together to promote products and show off personal style, which is then readily available at your finger tips. And the best part? It's tailored to you. Following people and brands who match your aestethic means your feed will be full of inspiration-you don't even have to search. Look up popular hashtags or local stores to get a feel for what is trending and go from there!


In the age of online shopping, sometimes it's easy to forget how eye opening it can be to go old school and enjoy a little bit of window shopping. Stores are always full of ideas, and not just because of the tons of clothes. Typically a lot of thought goes into what will appear in window displays, from the latest trends to the best things to wear with an outfit. Most sections are organized by similar style and print, or sometimes even color-which makes it super easy to find a variety of pieces that match your style. Being in the store also means you can try things on and put different outfits together. This practice is an awesome way to find your style and how you pair different pieces together. Plus, you can buy everything instantly which is my all time favorite feeling. Instant gratification. It's a thing. We may be a bit biased, but if you're looking for a great local Utah boutique you can't go wrong with any of our boutique locations.


How could I talk about fashion inspiration and not mention Pinterest? This site is seriously one of the most comprehensive places to look at all different styles of clothing. All it takes is a simple search. But it can be hard to know where to start. Instead of searching a specific style, I usually begin by looking at "street wear" or simply "style". I like to see outfits I wouldn't typically imagine myself in, because even if the look isn't something I would wear, there are usually aspects that I could incorporate into my own outfits. So take a minute and start a fashion board, even if it's just private, and begin looking for outfits that inspire you!


You probably already follow all of your favorite bloggers on Instagram, so you see their looks constantly. But going to their blog is a great way to see more, and learn more. Most bloggers will create a post around a look but then explain how you can recreate their look, not only with the exact clothes, but with things in your own closet as well. They often post tons of style tips too to help you find your own way of wearing similar outfits. Check out some of our favorites here!


We all have that one celebrity that we wish we could trade places with for the day. Personally, I'd raid Emma Stone's closet in a heartbeat. And again, Instagram is a great place to see their latest outfits. But so are websites like Buzzfeed and magazines like Seventeen (throwback anyone?). As superficial as it may seem, there are countless articles about what celebrities wore to events or out to lunch which is never a bad place to look for some quick inspiration.

In the end, inspiration can come from anywhere. And style is one of those things that is extremely personal and differs from person to person. So don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try that new trend you've been secretly obsessing over. Style is about finding yourself. So have fun with it!

Still looking for a little more inspiration? Check out our favorite boutique styles to find something perfect for any occasion.


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